How To Take Care Of Your Resin Art Pieces
Purchasing a resin art piece is a very exciting experience, and you are sure to be treating your artwork like a baby during the initial few weeks of having it in your home. But in the long term, it is important to establish a set of rules for preserving your resin art piece so that it does not become damaged or dull. As a professional abstract resin art creator, I take caring for artwork seriously, and want to give a little insight into how you can easily look after your dreamy resin art piece.
Avoiding Excessive Heat And Sunlight
Resin art, like most art, can have a sensitivity to direct sunlight, heat and other extreme conditions. Quality resin with UV protection may be used, but it is still ill advised to have your resin piece outdoors or in very sunny areas, as hanging white resin art in direct sunlight can cause yellowing over many years. Similarly, too much humidity can also cause problems for some resin art, so perhaps don’t hang your piece directly above your kettle. You should avoid too much heat for resin as epoxy resin is a type of plastic, meaning it has a lower melting point which could be dangerous and detrimental to your piece. Once resin is cured, a flame can end up ruining the piece if you are not careful; read more about the resin curing process and how it affects quality here.
Harsh Chemicals And Oils
Oils may seem harmless, but over time can build up and cause problems with the surface of your resin piece. Whilst this is not very noticeable and can usually be easily fixed, it may be a good idea to keep your resin piece away from right where you cook or other particularly risky areas where oil could be transferred.
Worse than oils are chemicals. Whilst natural cleaners are safe, aggressive ones such as acetone that can quite literally eat into your resin art piece as acetone can wear away plastic. Harsh chemicals are not advised for cleaning resin art pieces, and you should avoid them alongside things like perfume as much as possible around your piece.
Keep Cleaning Simple
Don’t overthink it when it comes to cleaning your resin art piece, often less is more. Every so often simply wipe your resin wall art down with a microfibre cloth, it can be damp or dry, followed by a soft buffing cloth. Try to avoid over cleaning your resin art piece, once every week or two is perfectly fine and will ensure that there is not a build up of dust and dirt.
Get In Contact
If you would like to get in contact or have any questions, please feel free to email me at or if you would like to get in contact via phone, you can do so using the following number: 01276 509408 (Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00 GMT).